The BedZED project in Surrey is an example of an eco-community
Gordon Brown wants to build five new "eco-towns" with 100,000 environmentally friendly homes.
Households are responsible for about 27% of the UK's carbon emissions and almost a third of the nation's total energy consumption.
So what exactly is an eco-home? And what can you do to make your home more green?
Mr Brown wants to build 100,000 eco-homes on former industrial - or brownfield - sites to avoid swallowing up countryside or green belt land.
An ex-MoD base at Oakington in Cambridgeshire - an asylum seeker holding centre - is already earmarked with councils invited to bid to host the other settlements.
Once a site is chosen, orientation is also important.
Building south-facing homes maximises so-called "passive solar gain", using the sun to heat rooms wherever possible.
Spaces prone to over-heating, like offices, can be built with a north-facing aspect to reduce the need for air conditioning.
Diagram of an eco-house
Eco-homes are not a new idea and there are many already across the UK.
Avoid plasma screen televisions, which just eat electricity
Samantha Heath
London Sustainability Exchange
One example is BedZED - the Beddington Zero Energy Development - completed in 2002.
There, homes and offices were built on reclaimed land owned by the Sutton Council in south London and sold to the developers, the Peabody Trust, at below market value to support the planned environmental initiatives.
Wherever possible, eco-homes are built using natural, recycled or reclaimed materials.
Any wood should be from a sustainable source and approved by the Forest Stewardship Council or similar organisation.
Sue Riddlestone, executive director of sustainability solutions company BioRegional, which consulted on BedZED, says materials should have a low "embodied energy", meaning the amount of energy required to manufacture them.
"Materials should be sourced as locally as possible to cut the energy used to transport them to the site," she adds.
BedZED's buildings are constructed from "thermally massive materials" which store heat during warm conditions and release it at cooler times.
Energy for eco-homes should come from renewable sources, and wherever possible be generated on the buildings themselves or the site.
BedZED is powered by a small-scale combined heat and power plant (CHP), fed by off-cuts of wood from tree surgery which would otherwise go to landfill.
Traditionally, heat produced as a by-product of electricity generation is lost, but CHP harnesses it and puts it to use.
At BedZED, it provides hot water, distributed around the site via super-insulated pipes. In individual homes, there is also a hot water tank which doubles as a radiator.
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This is a community-scale solution, but individual houses can also make a difference.
Like Conservative leader David Cameron, you could have a wind turbine installed. It costs from £1,500, but grants may be available.
Solar panels, costing from £2,000, can also be fitted on the roof of an eco-home and can provide 100% of heating and hot water needs in summer.
Photovoltaic cells, at £4,000 or more per home, also use the sun's energy to generate electricity.
Eco-friendly energy could even come from the earth itself, using a ground source heat pump to warm water and contribute to central heating. This costs from about £6,400.
But if all this sounds expensive and difficult, even simple fixes make a difference - double glazing, for example, halves heat lost through windows.
Loft and cavity wall insulation too, can cut heat loss from walls and roofs by a third, according to the Energy Saving Trust (EST).
Even just turning the thermostat down by one degree can cut heating bills by 10%.
Low energy lighting and energy efficient applicances are key to cutting back on household carbon emissions.
Environmental groups say that although these do cost more initially, that expense is more than repaid longer term by the amount of energy saved.
Samantha Heath, director of the London Sustainability Exchange, says: "A fridge is one of the greediest appliances, so make sure it's as efficient as possible. And avoid plasma screen televisions, which just eat electricity.
"We should also be thinking about using appliances like dishwashers and washing machines one at a time to avoid an energy overload."
She adds: "One of the most helpful new gizmos is a device which turns everything off but the one appliance currently in use."
It's no good saving energy in the home if you then get in the car every time you need to go shopping
Sue Riddlestone
The Energy Saving Trust says the average household has up to 12 gadgets left on stand-by or charging at any one time, and more than £740m of electricity is being wasted this way.
So turn off your TV, unplug your mobile charger and switch off lights when you leave a room.
Also, try washing clothes at 30C instead of 40C - it uses 40% less energy.
"Water is a big issue, especially in the south of England," Ms Riddlestone says.
"At BedZED we have cut water use by half by using more efficient appliances like washing machines and using rain water to flush toilets."
Again, if you cannot stretch to those fixes, you could buy a water butt to collect rainwater to use on your garden.
Ensuring no water is wasted goes hand in hand with recycling of all kinds.
"An eco-community can recycle up to 65% of its waste," Ms Riddlestone says. "And what's left shouldn't go to landfill - you can find other ways to recover energy from that as well."
"It's not just about building houses. The approach we take is to look at the whole community and how people live in it," Ms Riddlestone says.
"It's no good saving energy in the home if you then get in the car every time you need to go shopping."
So, an eco-home has to fit into an eco-community.
Mr Brown said eco-towns would have bus routes and cycle lanes designed in a way to make them carbon neutral communities overall.
At BedZED, a car pool has been set up for residents and a 'pedestrian first' policy in the design means there is good lighting, drop kerbs for prams and wheelchairs and a road layout that keeps vehicles to walking speed.
There are also local shops and a nursery, and good public transport links to enhance quality of life and cut car use.
Hitam vs Putih
Blog apri yang lama tidak terurus, berusaha mengungkap realita hidup dan fakta yang terjadi di dunia....
21 Agustus 2007
Mengenal Macam-macam Mesin Diesel
Mesin diesel, jika dilihat dari bentuk ruang bakarnya terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu mesin dengan ruang bakar langsung dan ruang bakar tambahan. Ruang bakar langsung (direct injection) terdiri atas tiga tipe yaitu multi spherical, hemispherical dan spherical.
Sedangkan ruang bakar tambahan terdapat dua bagian yaitu tipe ruang bakar kamar dalam (pre-combustion chamber) dan tipe ruang bakar kamar pusar (swirl chamber). Pada ruang bakar langsung (direct injection), injection nozzle akan menyemprotkan bahan bakar langsung ke ruang bakar utama (main combustion) yang terdapat pada piston dan cylinder head.
Keuntungan yang didapatkan dari bentuk ruang bakar ini adalah efisiensi panas tinggi, konstruksi cylinder head sederhana dan perbandingan kompresi dapat diturunkan. ''Sedangkan kerugiannya, pompa injeksi harus menghasilkan tekanan yang tinggi, suara lebih berisik dan bakar bakar yang digunanakn harus bermutu tinggi,'' ungkap Erens Jafet, Training Head, Services Department PT Pantja Motor.
Sebaliknya, pada ruang bakar tambahan (pre-combustion chamber type), bahan bakar akan disemprotkan oleh injection nozzle ke pre-combustion chamber. Dan sebagian akan terbakar di tempat dan sisanya yang tidak terbakar akan dibakar habis di ruang utama (main combustion chamber).
Keuntungannya, papar Erens, asap hitam lebih sedikit, suara mesin lebih halus, dan tidak terlalu peka terhadap perubahan timing injeksi. Sedangkan kerugiannya, cylinder head lebih rumit, efisiensi panas lebih rendah, diperlukan glow plug, dan pemakaian bahan bakar lebih boros. Adapun pada indirect injection (swirl chamber type), kamar pusar mempunyai bentuk spherical. Udara yang dikompresikan piston memasuki kamar pusar dan membentuk turbulensi. Sebagian akan terbakar di tempat dan sisanya yang tidak terbakar akan dibakar habis diruang bakar utama.
Keuntungannya, kecepatan mesin lebih tinggi, gangguan pada nozzle lebih kecil (tipe pin) dan suara mesin lebih halus. Kerugiannya, ungkap Erens, cylinder head lebih rumit, efisiensi panas lebih rendah, diperlukan glow plug, dan detonasi lebih mudah terjadi.
Sedangkan ruang bakar tambahan terdapat dua bagian yaitu tipe ruang bakar kamar dalam (pre-combustion chamber) dan tipe ruang bakar kamar pusar (swirl chamber). Pada ruang bakar langsung (direct injection), injection nozzle akan menyemprotkan bahan bakar langsung ke ruang bakar utama (main combustion) yang terdapat pada piston dan cylinder head.
Keuntungan yang didapatkan dari bentuk ruang bakar ini adalah efisiensi panas tinggi, konstruksi cylinder head sederhana dan perbandingan kompresi dapat diturunkan. ''Sedangkan kerugiannya, pompa injeksi harus menghasilkan tekanan yang tinggi, suara lebih berisik dan bakar bakar yang digunanakn harus bermutu tinggi,'' ungkap Erens Jafet, Training Head, Services Department PT Pantja Motor.
Sebaliknya, pada ruang bakar tambahan (pre-combustion chamber type), bahan bakar akan disemprotkan oleh injection nozzle ke pre-combustion chamber. Dan sebagian akan terbakar di tempat dan sisanya yang tidak terbakar akan dibakar habis di ruang utama (main combustion chamber).
Keuntungannya, papar Erens, asap hitam lebih sedikit, suara mesin lebih halus, dan tidak terlalu peka terhadap perubahan timing injeksi. Sedangkan kerugiannya, cylinder head lebih rumit, efisiensi panas lebih rendah, diperlukan glow plug, dan pemakaian bahan bakar lebih boros. Adapun pada indirect injection (swirl chamber type), kamar pusar mempunyai bentuk spherical. Udara yang dikompresikan piston memasuki kamar pusar dan membentuk turbulensi. Sebagian akan terbakar di tempat dan sisanya yang tidak terbakar akan dibakar habis diruang bakar utama.
Keuntungannya, kecepatan mesin lebih tinggi, gangguan pada nozzle lebih kecil (tipe pin) dan suara mesin lebih halus. Kerugiannya, ungkap Erens, cylinder head lebih rumit, efisiensi panas lebih rendah, diperlukan glow plug, dan detonasi lebih mudah terjadi.
Mengatasi Penurunan Akselerasi Mobil Diesel
Bicara mesin diesel dan mesin bensin, ada perbedaan karakteristik. Perbedaan tersebut terutama pada sistem pengapian. Mesin diesel menggunakan prinsip auto-ignition (terbakar sendiri), sedangkan mesin besin menggunakan prinsip spark-ignition (pembakaran yang dipicu oleh percikan api pada busi).
Karena perbedaan itu, seringkali mesin diesel (solar) mengalami penurunan akselarasi dibandingkan dengan mesin bensin. Ini bisa disebabkan solar bercampur air dan kotoran. Akibatnya, pembakaran tidak sempurna sehingga mobil tersendat-sendat.
Endapan air dan kotoran yang terjadi di dalam saringan solar harus diperhatikan. Bila endapan sudah terlalu banyak dapat terbawa masuk ke sistem saluran bahan bakar sehingga pompa dan nosel injector mudah berkarat serta aus. Untuk mengatasinya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan membuang kandungan air yang sudah mencapai ambang batas melalui water sedimenter. Caranya sebagai berikut:
1. Lakukan pemeriksaan rutin kandungan air, sebaiknya dilakukan setiap 5.000 km. Jika kurang dari batas itu, indikator sedimenter pada dasbor akan menyala.
2. Cara membuangnya kendurkan baut plastik di sebelah pompa tangan atau tepatnya di samping atas mesin. Buka baut plastik tadi seperlunya sampai cairan solar bercampur air menetes keluar.
3. Tekan pompa pembuangan dengan tangan ke atas dan ke bawah. Sambil memompa perhatikan cairan yang keluar dari sedimen, pertama kotoran lalu air.
4. Tadahlah buangan solar di baki penampung supaya tidak tercecer ke mobil. Karena jika tumpah, solar bisa membuat karet-karet/bushing jadi melar dan mengeras.
5. Setelah isi water sedimenter habis, putar tuas pompa melawan arah jarum jam untuk membuka kancing pompa agar kandungan air yang tersisa bisa keluar semua.
6. Kemudian tarik tuas pompa dan lakukan pemompaan secara teratur untuk membuang solar dan kotoran. Lakukan beberapa kali sampai benar-benar habis. Jika sudah yakin endapan telah habis semua kembalikan pompa ke posisi semula dan kunci kembali dengan memutar searah jarum jam. n sya/berbagai sumber
Karena perbedaan itu, seringkali mesin diesel (solar) mengalami penurunan akselarasi dibandingkan dengan mesin bensin. Ini bisa disebabkan solar bercampur air dan kotoran. Akibatnya, pembakaran tidak sempurna sehingga mobil tersendat-sendat.
Endapan air dan kotoran yang terjadi di dalam saringan solar harus diperhatikan. Bila endapan sudah terlalu banyak dapat terbawa masuk ke sistem saluran bahan bakar sehingga pompa dan nosel injector mudah berkarat serta aus. Untuk mengatasinya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan membuang kandungan air yang sudah mencapai ambang batas melalui water sedimenter. Caranya sebagai berikut:
1. Lakukan pemeriksaan rutin kandungan air, sebaiknya dilakukan setiap 5.000 km. Jika kurang dari batas itu, indikator sedimenter pada dasbor akan menyala.
2. Cara membuangnya kendurkan baut plastik di sebelah pompa tangan atau tepatnya di samping atas mesin. Buka baut plastik tadi seperlunya sampai cairan solar bercampur air menetes keluar.
3. Tekan pompa pembuangan dengan tangan ke atas dan ke bawah. Sambil memompa perhatikan cairan yang keluar dari sedimen, pertama kotoran lalu air.
4. Tadahlah buangan solar di baki penampung supaya tidak tercecer ke mobil. Karena jika tumpah, solar bisa membuat karet-karet/bushing jadi melar dan mengeras.
5. Setelah isi water sedimenter habis, putar tuas pompa melawan arah jarum jam untuk membuka kancing pompa agar kandungan air yang tersisa bisa keluar semua.
6. Kemudian tarik tuas pompa dan lakukan pemompaan secara teratur untuk membuang solar dan kotoran. Lakukan beberapa kali sampai benar-benar habis. Jika sudah yakin endapan telah habis semua kembalikan pompa ke posisi semula dan kunci kembali dengan memutar searah jarum jam. n sya/berbagai sumber
17 Agustus 2007
Yeah here we go for the
hundredth time
Hand grenade pins in every
Throw 'em up and let
something shine
Going out of my fucking mind
Filthy mouth, no excuse
Find a new place to hang
this noose
String me up from atop these
Knot it tight so i won't get
Truth is you can stop and
Run myself out and no one
Dug the trench out laid down
With a shovel up out of
reach somewhere
Yeah, someone pour it in
Make it a dirt dance floor
Say your prayers and stomp
it out
When they bring that chorus
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
[End Chorus]
Go stop the show
Choppy words and a sloppy
Shotgun opera lock and
Cock it back and then watch
it go
Mama help me I've been
Death is rolling in every
Candy paint on his brand
new hearse
Can't contain him he knows
he works
Fuck this hurts I won't lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
Half the words don't mean a
And I know that I wont be
So why try ignoring him
Make it a dirt dance floor
Say your prayers and stomp
it out
When they bring that chorus
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I've opened up these scars
I'll make you face this
I've pulled myself so far
I'll make you, face, this,
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw i
hundredth time
Hand grenade pins in every
Throw 'em up and let
something shine
Going out of my fucking mind
Filthy mouth, no excuse
Find a new place to hang
this noose
String me up from atop these
Knot it tight so i won't get
Truth is you can stop and
Run myself out and no one
Dug the trench out laid down
With a shovel up out of
reach somewhere
Yeah, someone pour it in
Make it a dirt dance floor
Say your prayers and stomp
it out
When they bring that chorus
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
[End Chorus]
Go stop the show
Choppy words and a sloppy
Shotgun opera lock and
Cock it back and then watch
it go
Mama help me I've been
Death is rolling in every
Candy paint on his brand
new hearse
Can't contain him he knows
he works
Fuck this hurts I won't lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
Half the words don't mean a
And I know that I wont be
So why try ignoring him
Make it a dirt dance floor
Say your prayers and stomp
it out
When they bring that chorus
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I've opened up these scars
I'll make you face this
I've pulled myself so far
I'll make you, face, this,
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw i
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